A simple solution for your electrical device registration:
We have the full service solution!

You can relax: with the full service offered by Interzero, you can meet your obligations under the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) quickly and easily.


Our services for you
WEEE do it for you

Under ElektroG – Germany’s Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act – all producers and sellers are responsible for taking back and recycling the old electrical and electronic devices that they sell in the country. Producers and sellers from abroad are under the same obligation, too.


Anyone in Germany who offers new electrical and electronic devices for sale and thereby brings it onto the market is regarded as a producer; they must first apply for registration with stiftung ear, the national registry foundation for old electronic equipment. Thereafter, they must also meet certain other producer obligations.

The compliance experts – we help you fulfil your obligations

Sit back and relax: Interzero will take care of everything for you. Fully compliant, always up-to-date, and with no stress for your business.

Producer registration (and notification service) with foundation ear
We register you as a producer/seller with foundation ear.
Authorized representative service
We operate as your authorized representative if you are a foreign seller or producer without a registered office in Germany.
Insolvency-proof guarantee
We ensure that you are able to provide foundation ear with the insolvency-proof guarantee required by law.
Take-back system for waste electrical and electronic devices
We provide a smooth, customised take-back system for collecting and recycling your old electrical and electronic devices.
Information service for producers & sellers
We provide up-to-date information for producers and sellers (amendments to ElektroG, labelling and information obligations, etc.).
Digital management of producer obligations
With our website, we provide you with an easy way to manage your obligations as a producer.

3 steps for problem-free trading of electrical and electronic devices
with the WEEE website

We make things easy for you: enter your device types, quantities and number of brands into our WEEE calculator, and you will immediately be given a non-binding price quote for our services. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help.


Calculate your WEEE full-service price

Enter your device types, quantities and quantity of brands into our calculator.


Create a WEEE website account

If you are happy with our quote, the next step is to create your customer account.


Conclude your registration contract

Then follow the steps in the order process and confirm your conclusion of the contract. Done!



our service is for

B2C producers
B2C producers
of electrical and electrical and electronic devices for the home. Also applies to foreign producers.
who sell (and resell) electrical and electronic devices and who have not yet registered in Germany.
This applies, for example, to online sellers based abroad who sell devices directly to end users in Germany or sellers based in Germany who buy devices abroad and offer it for first-time sale here.

What devices

are subject to legal requirements

Heat exchanger
Monitor devices
Gas discharge lamps
Large devices
Large photovoltaic modules
Small devices
Small photovoltaic modules
Small IT and telecommunications devices

FAQs about the ElektroG, ear and more

Frequently asked questions with straightforward answers

Properly registering and handling old electrical and electronic devices throws up a number of questions. We answer the most frequently asked questions here – expertly and clearly. If you need any further information, we’re happy to speak with you directly.

The ElektroG¹ is the German implementation of the European WEEE Directive² regulating the putting into circulation, taking back and disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. The ElektroG first came into force in Germany in 2005, and has been amended several times since then – with the last time being on 01.01.2022.


Each country within the EU has its own WEEE legislation, based on the European WEEE Directive.


The original version of the ElektroG and the WEEE Directive can be found at: https://www.stiftung-ear.de/de/service/rechtliche-grundlagen.


¹ Act on the Putting into Circulation, Taking Back and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act [ElektroG])

² Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

“WEEE” stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

The ElektroG applies to all electrical and electronic equipment. By definition, this is equipment that

a. is designed for operation with an AC voltage not exceeding 1000 volts or a DC voltage not exceeding 1500 volts, and 

b. is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields for its proper operation, or 

c. serves to generate, transmit and measure electrical currents and electromagnetic fields.


Please note: there are exceptions to the area of application – see: “Which equipment does NOT fall within the area of application of the ElektroG?”


Electrical and electronic equipment is divided into the following categories in the ElektroG:

(1) Heat exchangers

(2) Screens, monitors and equipment containing screens with a surface area greater than 100 square centimetres

(3) Lamp

(4) Equipment where at least one of the external dimensions is more than 50 centimetres (large equipment)

(5) Equipment where none of the external dimensions exceeds 50 centimetres (small equipment)

(6) Small information technology and telecommunications equipment where none of the external dimensions exceeds 50 centimetres


Examples of equipment that falls within the individual categories can be found in Annex 1 ElektroG, see  https://www.stiftung-ear.de/de/service/rechtliche-grundlagen.


Electrical and electronic equipment is divided into the two classes B2C (products for private consumers) and B2B (products for commercial/professional users). Equipment is differentiated by category (see above) and, within these categories, by equipment type. There are currently 9 equipment types for B2C equipment and 8 equipment types for B2B equipment.

The ElektroG does not apply to the following electrical and electronic equipment:


1. Equipment serving to safeguard the essential security interests of the Federal Republic of Germany, including weapons, ammunition and military material intended solely for military purposes

2. Equipment that

a. is incorporated as part of other equipment, which is exempt from the scope of the ElektroG or does not fall within the scope of the ElektroG, and
b. can only fulfil its function specifically as part of this other equipment

3. Incandescent lamps

4. Equipment for a mission in space

5. Stationary large-scale industrial tools

6. Large-scale fixed installations; however, the ElektroG applies to equipment that is not specifically designed as part of (and installed in such) installations

7. Means of transport for the carriage of passengers and goods; however, the ElektroG applies to electric two-wheeled vehicles for which type approval is not required

8. Moving machinery

9. Equipment specifically designed for research and development purposes only, and provided on an inter-company basis

10. Medical equipment and in vitro diagnostic medical equipment, each of which is expected to become infectious before the end of its useful life, as well as active implantable medical equipment

The ElektroG defines obligations in connection with the putting into circulation, taking back and disposal of electrical and electronic equipment for, among others, manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment and commercial resellers (distributors) of electrical and electronic equipment. The distinction as to which of these roles is to be assumed as a company under the ElektroG is important for assessing a stakeholder’s respective obligations.


Citizens, owners of WEEE who are obliged to dispose of them, disposal companies/first treatment facilities and public waste management companies are also affected by the ElektroG.

The correct distinction between the role as producer and that as distributor under the ElektroG is important, as different obligations arise from each role.


In Germany, a manufacturer is the company that offers electrical equipment for the first time in Germany and places it on the market. The manufacturer can also be referred to as the initial distributor. The initial distributor is subject to the producer obligations of the ElektroG, and is responsible for the registration of the equipment with the authority “stiftung ear”. Further obligations of a manufacturer: see “What obligations does a manufacturer have in Germany under the ElektroG?”

Distributors are undertakings which offer (or make available) on the market electrical or electronic equipment within the scope of this Act. This definition, therefore, covers

• merchants, in particular (stationary merchants, online merchants, mail order merchants)

• Manufacturers who distribute their products themselves and

• for example, craftsmen when they sell equipment


In Germany, the definition of distributor includes any company that resells equipment within Germany. If you are only considered a distributor and not a manufacturer in Germany, you do not have to apply for registration with the authority “stiftung ear”. For further obligations of distributors: see “What obligations does a distributor have in Germany under the ElektroG?”


Please note: a distributor can bear producer obligations at the same time and vice versa, for example:

• A distributor who (re)sells unregistered equipment will also assume the role of a manufacturer and must accordingly fulfil the manufacturer’s obligations in Germany in addition to his distributor obligations.

• Likewise, sellers of electrical equipment based abroad without a branch in Germany who sell equipment directly to end users in Germany by means of distance selling are always to be regarded as distributors AND manufacturers. Merchants based in Germany who import equipment from abroad into Germany and resell it are also subject to both distributor and manufacturer definitions.

• Manufacturers who sell their equipment themselves in Germany are also distributors.

Registration as an authorised representative is carried out if a manufacturer in the sense of Section 3 No. 9 ElektroG does not have a branch in Germany. In this case, the “foreign” manufacturer cannot apply for registration himself, but must appoint an authorised representative to assume his legal obligations in Germany.

Manufacturers and distributors who violate the ElektroG risk incurring fines of up to EUR 100,000. In addition, there is the threat of a ban on distribution.

Further information, FAQs and download materials are exclusively available on our WEEE Portal.

Producer in the B2B sector?

We have tailor-made solutions here, too!

If you bring electrical and electronic devices onto the market for professional use in Germany – so-called B2B devices which are not or not usually used in the home – there are similar obligations for you under ElektroG (Germany’s Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act). These include registration with foundation ear, which also covers provision of evidence, creation of a returns policy and setting up options for actually taking back “your” old devices. Labelling and information obligations must also be observed.

Interzero offers comprehensive and convenient solutions for you in this area, too.
Would you like to find out more? We will be happy to provide you with information about what we offer and our services. You can complete the contact form below with just a few clicks – and we will get back to you promptly.